Electronic mailroom

Postal address: 53 Masarykovo náměstí, 251 01 Říčany
Electronic address: zc.ynacir@anletadop-e

Sample message for acknowledgement of receipt of a data message: ‘Your letter dated dd.mm.yyyy was received on dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss under registration number x/yyyy.’ If you do not receive a message acknowledging receipt of the data message, your submission has not been received.

Authorised electronic mailroom staff:

Handling queries regarding the operation of the electronic mailroom:

Electronic ordering system

You can use the electronic booking system to make appointments for individual agendas at the Department of Administrative Agencies and Transport. The procedure is as follows:

Driving licences and personal documents

Please fill in your surname and email address in the booking form! Please provide the real surname of one person for whom the reservation is intended. A person with a different surname will not be checked in! Reservation is for one person only/adult, child/.

Vehicle register

This service is intended for individuals who are registering or changing their own vehicle, not through agents. Furthermore, legal entities can use this service through their statutory bodies, not by proxy. The authorization must be documented by a relevant document (e.g. extract from the commercial register, memorandum of association, articles of association, etc.)

Please fill in your surname and email address on the booking form and, if you know it, your registration number. Enter the real surname of one person for whom the reservation is intended. A person with a different surname will not be checked in. The reservation is for one person and one action (change) only.

For operational reasons, the number of online registrations is limited. Therefore, it is not possible to accommodate all interested parties.