Department of the Municipal Trade Licensing Office
Head of Department Municipal Trade Licensing Office
vedoucí odboru
Office hours
official day | Morning | Afternoon |
Monday | 7.00-12.00 | 12.30-18.00 |
Tuesday | 7.00-12.00 (only for bookings) | — |
Wednesday | 7.00-12.00 | 12.30-18.00 |
Thursday | — | — |
Friday | — | — |
The department deals with the following agendas:
- state administration in the field of the Trade Licensing Act
- registration of agricultural entrepreneurs central registration point for entrepreneurs
Aronová Martina Ing.
vedoucí odboru
Stará Barbora Ing.
registrace podnikatelů
Večeřová Štěpánka
registrace podnikatelů
Verešová Simona
registrace podnikatelů
Control Department
Hladíková Jana Bc.
referentka oddělení kontroly
Netolická Ivana
kontrola podnikatelů
Sadílková Zdeňka Bc.
vedoucí oddělení kontroly
Ziková Petra
kontrola podnikatelů