Social and legal protection of children

Where to find us


Working hours of OSPOD Říčany

Monday7:00 – 12:0012:30 – 18:00
Tuesday7:00 – 12:0012:30 – 15:00
Wednesday7:00 – 12:0012:30 – 18:00
Thursday7:00 – 12:0012:30 – 15:00
Friday7:00 – 11:00

Social and legal protection is ensured in the entire administrative district of the municipality with extended competence falling under the Municipal Office of Říčany. The following municipalities fall within the Říčany administrative district: Babice, Březí, Černé Voděrady, Čestlice, Dobřejovice, Doubek, Herink, Hrusice, Jevany, Kaliště, Kamenice, Klokočná, Konojedy, Kostelec nad Černými Lesy, Kostelec u Křížků, Kozojedy, Křenice, Křížkový Újezdec, Kunice, Louňovice, Mirošovice, Mnichovice, Modletice, Mukařov, Nučice, Nupaky, Oleška, Ondřejov, Oplany, Pětihosty, Petříkov, Popovičky, Prusice, Radějovice, Říčany, Senohraby, Sluštice, Strančice, Struhařov, Stříbrná Skalice, Sulice, Světice, Svojetice, Štíhlice, Tehov, Tehovec, Velké Popovice, Vlkančice, Všestary, Výřky, Vyžlovka, Zvánovice


Information for parents

Social-legal protection of children is ensured throughout the entire territory of the administrative district of the municipality with extended competence of Říčany. It is provided by nine field social workers, one curator for children and youth and two social workers dealing with foster family care. Each worker (key worker) has an assigned district. Information about the key worker can be obtained by calling. at 323 618 241.

The division of individual districts is posted on the orientation board located in the common areas of the Department of Social Affairs and Health of the Municipal Office of Říčany (OSVZ), Komenského nám. 1850, Říčany. In the event of absence, the staff shall stand in for each other.

Information for children

You have the right to contact the OSPOD without your parents being present.

We can help you:

  • if you have any problems at school (grades, disagreements in class, bullying, …),
  • when your parents are fighting or divorcing and you don’t know what to do,
  • when you have problems at home (no facilities, not enough food, heat, …)
  • when you are being inappropriately punished at home or by your surroundings, someone is mistreating you,
  • when you don’t get along with someone in your family and you run away from home,
  • when you’re using drugs, alcohol and you’d like to stop, etc.

Information about OSPOD Říčany – for children.pdf