Senior Taxi
The SENIOR TAXI service can be used by seniors residing in Říčany over 65 years of age or holders of ZTP and ZTP/P cards with one accompanying person. After Říčany you pay 15 CZK for one ride there. The way BACK is another ride for 15 CZK. To Prague 150 CZK for one ride TAM. The way BACK is another ride for 150 CZK.
- The SENIOR TAXI CARD entitling to use the service will be issued on the basis of the presented ID card at the City Hall ticket office on Masaryk Square or the City Hall ticket office on Komenský Square. The condition is residence in Říčany, or an affidavit of residence with relatives or in a Home for the Elderly, DPS.
- You can book your journey at any time by calling +420 724 382 353, and bookings must be made at least 24 hours in advance. If you book on the day of the ride, there may not be availability. If you want to use the return transfer, don’t forget to book your return trip. The service operates only on weekdays from 7.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. One person can travel with a senior citizen as a companion without a SENIOR TAXI card or more than one person with a card. One trip for all will cost 15 / 150 crowns.
- Můžete se nechat svést v Říčanech, kam budete potřebovat (na poštu, k lékaři, na nákup, ke kadeřnici, na návštěvu). Platí i pro územní části města Pacov, Kuří, Strašín, Voděrádky a Jažlovice. Senior taxi vás doveze i do vybraných lékařských zařízení v Praze:
- Thomayer University Hospital,Vídeňská 800, Prague 4-Krč
- IKEM, Vídeňská 1958/9, Prague 4-Krč
- GEMINI Eye Clinic, U Křížku 572, Průhonice
- Královské Vinohrady University Hospital, Šrobárova 1150, Prague 10-Vinohrady
- Medical House Uhříněves,Nové náměstí 1431/20, Prague 22-Uhříněves
- GEMINI Eye Clinic, U Společenské zahrady 389/3, Prague 4-Krč
- Poliklinika Chomutovická, Chomutovická 1444/2, Prague 11-Chodov
- Poliklinika Šustova, Šustova 1930/2, Prague 11-Chodov
Travel to another medical facility must be approved by the City of Ricany
(Councillor Ing. Jarmila Voráčková, tel.: 323 618 109).
The popular and used SENOR TAXI service has been operating in Říčany since 2018.