You lost an animal
- Contact the Municipal Police of Říčany, trapping of animals (mostly dogs) is provided by the municipal police, but it is also good to contact the state police (especially if your animal is lost in a municipality where we do not have local jurisdiction, e.g. Mukařov, Světice, etc.).
- If you are local or from the immediate area, enter your loss using the City of Ricany website
- If your pet (dog) is chipped, contact the relevant registry (e.g. the National Register of Pet Owners) or another registry where you have registered the pet (dog) and report the loss.
- If your animal (dog) is tattooed, report the loss to the studbook.
- Contact the nearest veterinary surgeries and hospitals (clinics). Finders will often go to the nearest veterinary surgery in the place of residence/finding to retrieve the chip.
- If you have the opportunity, announce the loss on local radio in the village and surrounding area. Nowadays it is also possible to cooperate with radio stations, some of which are very willing to help.
- Use the internet – send an internet message with a photo to animal (dog) websites, portals and forums. For example: portal pes v núzi, , CZ-pes,, etc. Use discussion forums or pages for your particular breed. Spread the word to the public!
- Call and email shelters in the area.
Shelter Lysá nad Labem
+420 605 316 755, e-mail: zc.liame@asylicsjep,
Shelter Maršovice:
+420 728 613 618, +420 775 268 225, e-mail: zc.murtnec@ecivosramkelutu,
- Put up flyers – preferably A4 size with a large colour photo of the animal and a reward for the finder. Restaurants, convenience stores, GP surgeries, veterinary surgeries are also well established.
- Advertise in the local press – use local dailies, newspapers, newsletters, both in print and online.
- Contact the hunting association, foresters, road maintenance and the like.
Due to the adjacent cadastre of Hl. m. Prague to the town of Říčany, we recommend contacting the Hl. m. Prague. Some finders “honestly” give the animal to the shelter in Hl. m. Prague.