Leisure time of children and youth

Říčany organizations dedicated to leisure activities for children and youth.

Name of organisationFocus
Aikido Kenkyukai Říčanystudio of eastern arts
Ant Parkour Deadly Team Říčanyfreerun parkour
Badminton Říčanybadminton club
Path of Integration o.s.a civil association preparing projects for youth, part of the low-threshold centre Klub Cesta
Children’s orienteering sectionorienteering section
FBC Říčanyfloorball club
Fight club Říčanymixed martial arts (MMA)
FK Radošovicefootball club
FK Říčanyfootball club
Fuego Říčany o.s.dance club
JUNÁK – Union of Scouts and Girl Scouts of the Czech Republic, centre Lípa Říčanyscout centre
Chess Club Říčany 1925chess section
LANGFORlanguage school
Forest Wisdom League – Beaver Tribechildren’s troop inspired by the life of North American Indians
The Ant Farmleisure centre and maternity centre
Říčany Museum and Ecocentrethe town museum and the basic organization ZO ČSOP
Little musicianmusic school for children in Fit Lady
On Fialkaleisure centre
Choir of Eliška Erlichováchoir
Profi Englishlanguage school
RC Mountfield Říčanyrugby club
Volunteer Fire Brigadefire brigade
SK KAMIWAZA Karatekarate club
SK Sunshine sports club (basketball, inline skating, etc.)
Sports and Social Association Voděrádkyorganising events for children and adults
Taekwon-Do Kwang GaeTaekwon-do school
Team GJdance school
T.J. Sokol Říčany and Radošovicegymnastic unity
TJ Touristphysical education union (table tennis, volleyball, basketball, skiing and gymnastics)
TK Radošovicetennis club
TS Dance EBdance studio
TS Twistdance school (especially focused on rock and roll)
Universe o.s.children’s organization at the Czech Camp Union
ZUŠ Folklorika Čechy, s.r.o.a private primary art school offering artistic education for children aged 5 – 18 in the fields of dance, music, art and literary drama